Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Before we begin...

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Chapter #1: Preparing the Workflows

    • Introduction

    • Default Resources and Templates

    • Export Path Rules

    • LQA - Linguistic Quality Assurance

    • Segmentation Rules

    • Non-Translatables

    • Auto-Translatables

    • Ignore Lists

    • Setting Up LiveDocs

    • Translation Memories

    • Templates

  • 3

    Chapter #2: Preparing the Workflows after Import

    • Introduction

    • Checking the Files

    • Pseudo-translation

    • Locking

    • 5. Locking - Issues

    • Tagging

  • 4

    Chapter #3: Updates Review Cycle

    • Introduction

    • Source Language Updates

    • Target Language Updates Through Bilingual Files

    • Target Language Updates Through Finalized Target Language Files

    • Tracked Changes

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    Chapter #4: Working with Large Projects

    • Introduction

    • Many Languages

    • Many Files

    • Views

    • Splitting Large Files (Online Projects)

    • Views for Online Projects

    • Speeding Up the Import

    • QA Profiles

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    Chapter #5: Project Types and Data Exchange

    • Introduction

    • Internal Groups 1

    • Internal Groups 2

    • Internal Groups 3

    • Internal Groups 4

    • Internal Groups 5

    • External Vendors 1

    • External Vendors 2

    • External Vendors 3

    • External Vendors 4a

    • External Vendors 4b

    • External Vendors 5

    • Data Exchange

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    Chapter #6: Specialized Workflows and Workarounds

    • Introduction

    • Relay Translation

    • Back Translation

    • Comparing TMs

    • Machine Translation and Post-Editing

    • Third Language Preview

    • Source Language Quality Assurance

    • Alignment of ID-based Files

    • Translation Memory Search Tool

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    Chapter #7: QA and LQA

    • Introduction

    • QA

    • LQA

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    Chapter #8: Terminology

    • Introduction

    • Machine Translation and Terminology

    • Terminology Recognition

    • Term Base Settings

    • Local Term Bases and Server Term Bases

    • Import and Export

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    Chapter #9: Terminology - QTerm

    • Introduction

    • QTerm Setup

    • Discussions - Part 1

    • Linking of Terms

    • Creating Filters for Terms

    • Giving Permissions

    • Exporting/Printing Terms

    • Importing Terms

    • Discussions - Part 2

    • Terminology Extraction

    • Term Extraction Feature

    • Term Extraction Settings

    • Stop Word List

    • Extraction - Live Example

    • Term Extraction and Online Projects

    • Term Extraction Workflows

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    Next steps

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...