Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter #1: Overview of Tools and Terminology

    • Welcome and Agenda

    • memoQ Environment

    • memoQ Editions and Licenses

  • 3

    Chapter #2: Connectivity - Connecting memoQ Server to the World

    • General Overview of memoQ's Connectivity

    • QTerm Overview

    • Plugins Overview

    • Spelling and Grammar Checking

    • Spelling and Grammar Checking - Antidote Integration

    • Online Dictionaries and Search Engines

    • Online Dictionaries and Other Resources

    • PDF and Video Preview Options

    • Preview Tools - PDF Preview

    • Video Preview Plugin

    • Translation Memory Plugins

    • Term Base Plugins

    • Machine Translation Plugins

    • memoQ Server and Plugins

    • Connecting to the memoQ Server

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    Chapter #3: Looking at Things from Project Manager's Perspective

    • Introduction

    • Dashboard

    • Searching and Filtering Options

    • Projects Overview

    • Online Projects

    • Local Projects

    • Users and Groups

    • Assigning Documents

    • Resources

    • Quality Assurance

    • Sending Work to Translators

    • Project Report

    • QA Views

    • Archiving

    • Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA)

    • Archiving Automation

    • Reports

    • Post-Translation Reports

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    Chapter #4: Translation Memories

    • Introduction

    • Translation Memories

    • Counts and Analysis - Columns

    • Match Ranges

    • Analysis Statistics

    • Analysis Settings

    • Pretranslate Function - 1

    • Pretranslate Function - 2

    • Locking Segments

  • 6

    Chapter #5: Project Considerations

    • Introduction

    • Metadata on Main Resources

    • Metadata on Projects

    • Translation Memory Metadata

    • Metadata in the Translation Memory

    • Pre-defining Metadata (TM Scheme)

    • Metadata - LiveDocs

    • Metadata - Term Base

    • Additional Metadata in qTerm

    • Metadata on a Project

    • Metadata on Main Resources

    • Setting Up Filters

    • Naming Conventions

    • Confidentiality

    • Permissions

    • Default Permissions

    • Permissions through the Role

    • Permissions for Resources

    • Default Permissions for Resources

    • Communication

    • Notifications

    • Alerts

    • Data Exchange

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    Chapter #6: Filters for Office File Formats

    • Introduction

    • Working with Word Files

    • Filters for Importing Word Files

    • Working with Word Files in the Editor

    • About PowerPoint Files

    • Working with PowerPoint Files in the Editor

    • About Excel Files

    • Working with Multilingual Excel Files

    • Working with Excel containing HTML

    • Using Regex Tagger

    • Length Restrictions

    • Working with PDF Files

    • Multilingual Excel with Length Information

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    Chapter #7: Working with Templates

    • Introduction

    • Overview of Template Settings

    • Default Templates

    • Templates

    • A Closer Look at the Templates

    • Automated Actions

    • 7. Scripts

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    Chapter #8: Licensing, Users, memoQWeb

    • Introduction

    • License Types

    • Licensing Schemes - CAL

    • Licensing Schemes - ELM

    • Granting, Revoking, and Lending Licenses

    • Users and Groups

    • Assignments and Re-assignments

    • memoQWeb - Translator and Project Manager View

    • Working in memoQWeb - Practical Example

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    Chapter #9: Workflows

    • Introduction

    • Working Together in a Document

    • Slicing

    • Packages - Overview

    • memoQ Packages

    • Packages from Other Tools

    • Bilingual Files from Other Tools

    • Bilingual Files from memoQ

    • Things That Can Happen

    • Updates

    • Updates in the Target Language File

    • Views

    • Deleting and Archiving

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    Next steps

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...